Hello Mr. Haydn,
Thank you for returning my email regarding the PPG SYSEX.
Included in this email is some PPG MIDI information from the Antarctica PPG
website, but I found a person who has actually made a new V7 software
Revision for the PPG Wave 2.3. I will contact him, give him your details,
and hopefully he will get in touch with you. From what I hear is that this
person really knows the PPG inside and out.
Thanks again for replying.
Mike Johnson
MIDI Implementation
PPG MIDI System Exclusive Data-
PPG Sys-ex messages are received by the following software versions:
Wave 2.2 synthesizer.........version 6.0
Wave 2.3 synthesizer.........version 6.0
EVU expander............version 3.0
Parameter change is received in the following format:
11110000 Status Byte F0 (hex)
0iiiiiii PPG I.D. number 29 (hex)
0sssnnnn Substatus (s=2) Channel number (n=0 - 15)
0mmmmm00 Model (m=1) Parameter bit 7,8 (p=00)
0ppppppp Parameter bit 0 - 6 (p=0 - 30)
0ddddddd Parameter value data (d=0 - 127)
11110111 End Of Exclusive F7 (hex)
List of PPG voice parameters:
1 = LFO Rate
2 = Wave Select Main Osc
3 = Filter Cutoff
4 = Envelope 1 Att. VCF
5 = Envelope 2 Att. Wave-Select
6 = VCF Emphasis
7 = Envelope 2 Att. Loudness
8 = Attack Env. 1
9 = Attack Env. 2
10 = Decay Env. 1
11 = Decay Env. 2
12 = Sustain Env. 1
13 = Sustain Env. 2
14 = Release Env. 1
15 = Release Env. 2
16 = LFO Delat Tine
17 = Attack Env. 3
18 = LFO Wave-Shape
19 = Release Env. 3
20 = Mod. Wheel
21 = Envelope 3 Att.
22 = Wave Select Sub. Osc.
30 = Sound Bank Select
(selects one of the eight sound banks also sets loading bank)
Here is an example of the sys-ex message to vary filter cutoff:
F0 240
29 41
20 32
03 3
03 3
variable (00-7F) variable (0-127)
F7 247
Have a look at the PPG Editor for Emagic's Logic and Logic Audio
sequencing software to see sys-ex messages in action.
Software changes Wave 2.3 Version 5.4...(newest version= 6.0)
Software changes EVU Version 2.2........(newest version= 3.0)
This documentation describes only the changes which have been made
after Version 5.1! It contains some MIDI changes as well as changes
for the PRK and EVU communication.
MIDI changes:
1. MONO MODE now: 17 = receive channels 1 - 8
18 = receive channels 9 - 16
2. Mod wheel and other controllers are received channel selective
in MONO mode.
3. Program change is now done in Wave 2.3 Mode. In Poly Mode the
program change is done in the last selected bank; in Mono Mode
the program change is done in the Bank defined by the MIDI channel.
4. The following controllers now will be received:
SUSTAIN SWITCH # 64, 66, 67
ALL NOTE OFF # 123, 125, 126, 127
MIDI = 0 disables all MIDI activities.
PPG now has a registered MIDI ID number: 29 HEX
Other Changes:
1. The Velocity select which is set by the PRK FD in 8 steps
for 8 parameters is now adjustable in finer steps.
2. Wavetables are loaded and stored in all Banks in Wave 2.3 mode.
3. Editing of EVU's in the Waveterm system is now possible in
all banks. (Especially tuning and Digital display.)
Subject: Re: [SoundDiver] PPG SYSEX??
Date: Wed, Jan 17, 2001, 5:42 PM
Post by Michael+ Julia JohnsonHas anyone ever tried to hook up a PPG Wave 2.3 with V6 software
installed and try to get it to receive/send a Midi patch dump to a computer?
Apparently this was implemented into the V6 software REV but no one seems to
know if it really works. Is there even a PPG Sound Diver module? I'd be glad
to test anything out for people who would like to try to see if it works, I
own Sound Diver and luckily a PPG Wave 2.3 V6.
I wanted to create an adaptation, but it seems to be impossible to
get SysEx documentation. Do you have any?
Beste Gruesse - best regards,
Michael Haydn
EMAGIC Soft- und Hardware GmbH
SoundDiver Group Executive
Logic Windows Developer
Unitor8 Control Project Manager